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Call for Proposals 
Open NOW!

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Conference For Teachers By Teachers 

Rooted in Solidarity:

Celebrando treinta años de comunidad, lenguaje y cultura 

In 1996, teachers from Dolores Gonzales Elementary School organized the first La Cosecha Dual Language Conference with a mission to network and share best practices. This first event hosted 86 educators from across Albuquerque. This national conference brings together the largest gathering of educators, parents, researchers, and practitioners supporting dual language, two-way immersion, one-way developmental bilingual, and one-way heritage language immersion programs from across the US. 


Registration Information

La Cosecha 2025 will feature over 280+ professional presentations and workshops designed to support two-way and one-way immersion, developmental bilingual, and heritage/tribal language immersion programs.

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Pre-Conference Institutes

La Cosecha Pre-Conference Institutes respond to specific topics and needs of dual language education classrooms and programs. These intensive institutes permit time for professional engagement and exploration of a particular topic/need.

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School Visits 

La Cosecha School Visits will feature schools locatedin both Albuquerque and Santa Fe. You will have the opportunity to visit an established dual language school and learn how they are providing quality instruction and learning opportunities.

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Sponsor & Exhibitor Info.

La Cosecha will connect you with the largest gathering of educators, parents, researchers, and dual language supporters at the largest gathering of two-way and one-way immersion, developmental bilingual, and

heritage/tribal language immersion programs.


Special Events

La Cosecha Special Events include our annual Powwow as well as a comedy fundraiser and musical events. 

You don't want to miss these special opportunities to celebrate our rich cultural and linguistic community! 


Hotel & Travel Info.

La Cosecha 2025 has secured special rates through our partner hotels, most of which are within walking distance from the Albuquerque Convention Center. As a La Cosecha participant you will also receive a discount on your airline and rental car. 

Why Attend La Cosecha?


One great conference!


30 years of bringing you the best of our multilingual multicultural communities!

3,500 +

Attendees from across the country!


What our attendees say...

"El orden logístico en cada una de las instalaciones fue muy bueno, el contenido de las sesiones fue realmente de profesionales y muy empatico."
Teacher, Dual Immersion Academy

José An Suarez-Tavera

What our attendees say...

"I feel so empowered by what I learned. There was a balance or research, practical strategies, as well as ideas shared on how to continue to strengthen dual immersion programming for emerging bilinguals. It was a fantastic conference
Administrator, Stillwater Public Schools

Catherine Pupungatoa

What our attendees say...

"The absolute dedication to dual language in every single session was great. This is the first conference that I have been to that is fully dedicated to dual language education and I felt so seen being here with these educators. By far the best conference I have ever attended!"
Instructional Coach, Oregon City SD

Kelly Gavrich

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Shouldn't you be here too? 

Questions? We're happy to help!

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Dr. José Medina

Dr. José Medina

Educational Solutions

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123 Andrés

Grammy Winning Music Duo

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Dra. Sonia Soltero

Professor DePaul University

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Dra. MarianaCastro

Deputy Director at WCER

Featured Speakers 

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